If you pay attention, you’d have noticed I haven’t been writing lately.
If you suspect I am lazy, you’re partially right.
Another excuse I give myself is I don’t know what to write. A writer’s curse: running out of topics.
Another side of the story is we went to my hometown over the last weekend. I usually don’t have time to write when I am back home with my folks and brothers and in-laws. I rather spend time catching up and hunting for food.
Don’t get me wrong. I am NOT writing to tell you WHY I am not writing.
You see. When we were back in hometown, there was one activity that really pumped J and K up. They look forward to it. They never stop asking more for it.
And of course, that activity truly made them exhilarated and filled the air with laughter.
Even by listening to them, you can feel their excitement without looking at them.
To them, it is the equivalence of adult’s adrenaline pumping activity such as bungee jumping.
This activity is cheap. It’s simple. It’s easy to carry out. And you can do it anywhere.
But, as I said, the reward is huge.
The activity I am talking about is riding on a motorcycle.
To some of us, this is nothing. But to J and K, it’s as rare as hen’s teeth. They don’t have the chance to do it back home – as we move around in car. Riding a motorcycle is a treat to them.
Moral of the story?
Kids don’t need something sophisticated, expensive, and complicated to make them happy.
Most of the time, we can derive immense pleasure from simple things – as this story tells us.
For more of other simple activities that can put a smile on your child’s face, check out “The Nonconformist’s Guide to Parenting.”
Hop on a bike and vroom over for more details at: