It is very important that you do all you can to stay healthy before and during your pregnancy. How you take care of yourself will affect your baby. Women who take care of themselves before and during pregnancy are less likely to have a baby born with birth defects, born early, or born under weight.
If you are planning to get pregnant, make sure you see your doctor for a complete checkup. Eat a healthy, well balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and healthy carbohydrates. You will also need to engage in plenty of exercise. You may also want to take a daily vitamin supplement if necessary. Talk to your doctor if you are taking over the counter or prescription drugs. Refrain from drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes. It is also a good idea to stay away from toxic chemicals and to have plenty of fresh air circulating while you are painting.
Once you are pregnant, all of the same precautions apply. However you should also start taking folic acid supplements as well as see your doctor for prenatal care. Most prenatal care will be on a monthly basis unless you have a high risk pregnancy. As your pregnancy progresses the doctor visits will start being twice a month and then weekly. Follow all of the instructions of your doctor and know your limitations. If you doctor tells you to rest more or to go on bed rest then make sure you abide by it. If you are at risk for diabetes or other health concerns then it is essential that you follow the guidance of your doctor.
While you can still exercise during pregnancy, you should do so with caution. Know your limitations, especially as the pregnancy gets further along. Avoid participating in high risk activities where the risk of injury to yourself or your baby is possible. Make sure you always wear a seat belt in a vehicle and that it is worn properly. The lap portion of the seatbelt should be under the belly instead of across it.