Sometimes I can’t believe what I read.
Just like this piece of news that sounds so ridiculous.
It may sound crazy but on the other hand you can see how much parents are willing to sacrifice just to make sure children have a good future.
It’s a form of undying love.
It’s applaudable.
But unfortunately if your ladder leans on the wrong wall or if you are barking up the wrong tree, no amount of sacrifice will do you justice.
One area of utmost importance for today’s parents is education.
According to the article, 47 South Korean parents went all the way of forging documents (they spent a good money of 100 million won on this – that’s USD$93,000!) just to help their children gain entrance into prestigious foreign-run sc-fools.
Instead of getting into the sc-fools, they might find themselves in jail.
Is going to an elite sc-fool so shamelessly important?
It’s not which sc-fool that your child goes that determines his future, it’s what he LEARNS.
What good example do you set to your child when you cheat to enter a sc-fool?
While many put too much emphasis on sc-fool, there’s a group of parents are bucking the trend and trying to unschool their children.
They find sc-fools are for the fools.
They realize that sc-fools are not the ideal learning place.
They notice that children (adults too) learn all the time, not when they are in a sc-fool environment.
Let’s get real. And I have said it many times, sc-fool education is NOT the only ticket to success.
Stop following the majority and don’t get too caught up in this sc-fool thingy.
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P.S. Oh by the way, I hope your definition of success is not the Joe Majority type of of definition.