Environment California reveals in a report that bisphenol A (a toxin known to cause developmental problems in babies) is found in some baby bottle brands which include Avent, Dr. Brown’s Evenflo, Gerber and Playtex. More…
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Health and Fitness
Tips on how to raise a happy and healthy family.
Taking antioxidants will not help you live longer
A new study by Journal of the American Medical Association reveals that antioxiddants can’t help you live longer. It’s even more shocking as it reveals that antioxidant supplements may increase mortality. Full story…
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Organic Baby Food Recalled
"Organic 2 Apple Peach Barley Wholesome Breakfast" and "Earth’s Best Organic 2 Wholesome Breakfast" are recalled for fear of they may be contaminated with the bacteria that cause botulism. Full report…
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